Unleash PR Superpowers with Arkreach: Let's Talk Metrics! 📊🚀

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This series of emails is all about redefining PR fundamentals and exploring metrics that matter. We promise not to spam your inbox.

Understanding new age PR metrics.

Ready to level up your PR game?

Dive into our top-notch metrics to supercharge your PR game. These insights are game-changers for your communications planning and measurement. Here's a quick rundown of the key metrics to leverage and pitfalls to avoid.

1. Article-level reach.

You Get: Reach of your online article, meaning the number of people who visited your article and engaged with its content.

Avoid: Using domain traffic data and labeling it as the article's reach. That's a dated approach!

2. Audience Persona.

You Get: A demographic and psychographic profile of individuals who consumed your article—the best method to assess whether your articles have reached the intended target audience. If not, consider pivoting your strategy and explore our Media Planning (media list) module for precision targeting across 97200 persona segments.

Avoid: No need to rely on guesswork regarding where your target audience goes to read your brand/topic's content. Trust the data.

3. Share of Voice.

You Get: SoV determined by the number of people your article reaches within the total category audience size (CAS), i.e., within the sub-segment where the article is hosted (e.g., thehindu.com/health/<your article>; here, 'health' is the sub-segment that provides us with the CAS - the maximum number of people your article can reach).

Avoid: Using the quantity of articles you publish compared to your competition as a benchmark for SoV. While it might work for print, for online, it is counterintuitive.

4. Media Planning (media list).

You Get: A deep dive into 27 media categories, allowing you to customize your unique media list based on your targeted audience persona for near real-time data. Dynamic media lists provide predictive reach even before you begin your outreach.

Avoid: The use of static media lists with monthly domain traffic data as the output for your coverage. Online readers exhibit dynamic behavior, and the media list numbers fluctuate almost daily based on your targeted audience set. Stay ahead of the curve!


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About Arkreach:

We provide online news consumption behavioral data at the article level to effectively plan PR media outreach, and precisely measure its impact. We analyze data from 150,000 news sources, uncovering 97,200 distinct user persona segments. Our global database spans over 800 million domains in 487+ languages.



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